


记办猫与你同行,高考加油! 2024.6.6

与记办猫共度六一,大小朋友的快乐秘籍! 2024.6.1

爱生活,爱自己 2024.5.6

“记办猫,随心记”守护地球 2024.4.22






📱 快来关注记办猫公众号,让我们一起与可爱的猫咪一起,随心记,轻松生活!更有可爱周边等你来拿!

🐾 记办猫,随心记 🐾
🌟 可爱化界面:我们的界面设计可爱至极,每一个按钮、图标都融入了猫咪元素,让你在处理待办事项的同时,感受到与可爱猫咪的亲密互动。
✍️ 待办事项记录:无论是添加、编辑还是删除待办事项,一切都变得轻松自如。记办猫,让你的任务管理更加简单!
⏰ 提醒功能:别再错过重要的事情了!记办猫允许你为每个待办事项设置提醒时间,当时间到达时,可爱的猫咪会给你推送提醒通知哦!
🐱 卡通猫咪皮肤,享受管理任务的乐趣! 记办猫,让你的生活更有趣,任务更轻松!
💻支持macOS Sonoma 小组件,支持iOS17 Standby 待机显示
📱 Come and pay close attention to the Jomon Cat official account. Let’s work together with our lovely cats to make life easier! There are even cute peripherals waiting for you to pick up!
🐾 Remember the cat, remember it as you please 🐾
In a busy life, do you often feel like your to-do list is like an uncontrollable beast? Don’t worry! Remember, the cat is here to help you!
🌟 Cute interface: Our interface design is extremely cute, with every button and icon incorporating cat elements, allowing you to feel intimate interaction with cute cats while handling to-do tasks.
✍️ To-do list: Whether adding, editing, or deleting to-do lists, everything becomes easy and effortless. Remember to do the cat, make your task management easier!
⏰ Reminder function: Don’t miss out on important things again! Notebook Cat allows you to set a reminder time for each to-do item. When the time arrives, the cute cat will push you a reminder notification!
🐱 Cartoon cat skin, enjoy the fun of managing tasks! Remember to be a cat, make your life more interesting and tasks easier!
💻 Supports macOS Sonoma widgets and iOS17 standby display